Posts in Talent Management
Why Internal Mobility is More Than an HR Term

In 2021, talent shortages are at a 15-year high. Finding top talent that is proficient in the skills of tomorrow is difficult for many companies.

Some companies recognize this modern recruiting challenge and are shifting their approach to how they hire. Instead of searching for new employees outside the company, savvy managers are looking in their own backyard to fill the talent void.

This approach is called Internal Mobility.

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Talent ManagementAllison Davis
4 Key Reasons To Grow Your Workforce Internally

As the skills gap continues to widen, especially in technical fields, companies need to consider the long-term value of training employees internally versus hiring new people. A shortage of top talent already exists across several industries. According to the 2018 Talent Shortage Survey,  33% of employers say the main reason they can't fill roles is a lack of applicants, while 27% say candidates lack the necessary hard or soft skills.

The quantity of available data is massive. Nearly every action in a business can be tracked, analyzed, and improved. However, how we translate big data into actionable insights is still a work in progress.

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6 Tips for Building Better Project Teams

Your projects have an immediate and long-term effect on the health and success of your organization. You need projects to be completed on-time, on-budget, and the result has to work. Simply put, the life of your organization depends on it. The people you place on your project teams will make or break your project results. Selecting the right people with the right skills is not an exact science, but you can always improve your decisions using data. 

Here are 6 ways to use data to build better project teams.

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How To Personalize The Onboarding Process With Data

Onboarding is a crucial step in any employee-employer relationship. It’s your new employees’ first impression of your company and this impression is long-lasting. Think about your last first date. Did they make a good or bad impression? How did that affect the rest of the relationship?

Now, this isn’t a one-way street. A great onboarding process gets new hires to work faster, enables greater productivity, and earns a greater return for the company. Given the benefits (and downsides), optimizing onboarding processes should be a top priority. Yet, the numbers show this is not the case for most organizations.

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Crossing The Talent Management Chasm With Skills Data

The word chasm is defined as a profound difference between two things. When referring to talent management, the chasm exists between the identified, existing skills of your workforce and the required, future skills of your workforce. 

Today, using traditional methods to cross the chasm is not sufficient. Factors such as the rapid evolution of technology and the lack of available skilled workers have upended the labor laws of supply and demand.

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Why Your Employees Want You To Focus on Career Growth, Not Just Engagement

Employee engagement has become an overused buzzword and often misinterpreted as only developing "engaging" cultures that keep employees happy. Statistics tell a different story.

In 2018, it was predicted that 42 million employees would leave their jobs.

Why are these statistics so dismal if employers are emphasizing employee engagement?

According to a recent poll of nearly 5,000 professionals, the top reason people are looking for a new job is that they are bored. Employees don't feel like they are challenged enough and are seeking new means of professional growth.

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